Health Check Champions @ CPF


who are the health check chaMPIONs?

Simon Rice and Wendy Thomason are the Health Check Champions for Carmarthenshire. The Health Check Champion for Pembrokeshire is James Tyler and, for Ceredigion, Anisha Jones.
The Health Check Champions are here to promote the importance of having your Annual Health Check. They work with health professionals such as doctors in your local surgery. They look at the number of people having Health Checks, the quality of those Health Checks and they work alongside the Learning Disability Liaison Nurses, Theresa and Aimee.
They have launched the 12 Month Challenge, where a different topic around health is discussed each month of the year.

my health profile tool d1

Download your Health Profile Tool 
   Click here to download the tool

easy read guide d1

Download your Easy Read Guide
Click here to  download the guide

This is Simon Rice, one of our Health Check Champions for Carmarthenshire.
Simon is a strong supporter of the Championing Health Checks campaign and wants CPF  Members to  get the right levels of health support.


This is Wendy Thomason, one of our Health Check Champions for Carmarthenshire.
Wendy is passionate about supporting the Championing Health Checks campaign and wants CPF Members to be treated fairly and with respect.
This is James Tyler, the Health Check Champion for Pembrokeshire.
This is a new post for James, and he is delighted to join the team.
This is Anisha Jones, the Health Check Champions for Ceredigion.
Anisha is a supporter of healthier lives for people with learning disabilities.
The Health Check Champions for Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire made a film about the importance of Annual Health Checks and how these checks might be done differently, and more effectively, for people with learning disabilities. 
We hope you enjoy it and find it useful.